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Writer's pictureTiger Hebert

The Kickstarter is Live!

The long awaited and highly-anticipated Kickstarter project for the Beating Back the Darkness series is finally here! The 30 day project is now live, and through this project, backers will get access to ebooks, signed bookmarks, signed bookplates, signed paperbacks, custom drink coasters, wall art, and so much more! Additionally, I've teamed up with some incredibly talented (and generous) authors to provide you some added bonuses. The first is that ALL BACKERS will get this Bonus eBook Bundle. 6 full-length novels, a value of at least $25, at no additional cost.

If that was good enough, I worked with even more authors, to put together this gift bundle for all our Early Birds! If you back this project in the first 72 hours, you will get all of this as well. These 16 books are easily a $20 value (probably way more), but you'll get it for free just for backing the project within the first 72 hours.

That's right, all backers will get a $25-45 value, at no additional cost! It's our way of saying, "Thank you!". So, come check it out. You won't regret it. ;)

Help me revamp the Beating Back the Darkness epic fantasy series, and breath new life into it with new art, logos, and titling.
Live on Kickstarter Now!

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