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Writer's pictureTiger Hebert

The Kickstarter is off to a Roaring Start!

When I first started planning this Kickstarter, I had no idea how it would be received. I knew I was certainly excited about it, but I didn't know if everyone else would be as geeked out over it as I was.

Well, apparently they are!

Project as of 11am, Monday, March 3rd.

While I hope the project keeps climbing for the next several weeks that it's running, I am completely stoked with the enthusiasm it was met with.

The base goal of the project was funded in just 7 minutes.

We were awarded the coveted "Project We Love" badge in 4 hours.

We've hit Stretch Goals 1 and 2, unlocking the following:

  • New Series Logo

  • New Cover Art for Books 1-4

  • Updated Covers for Books 5 & 6 (logo, titles, etc.)

  • Custom Art for Chapter Header (entire series)

  • Custom Section Breaks (dinkus / entire series)

  • Stylized Interior Formatting (entire series)

  • Kickstarter Exclusive Short Story (Backers pick the character!)

  • Bonus Yezreth Bookmark (TCoA) for all backers with physical rewards!

What's Next?

While I'm incredibly grateful for all the love and support that this project has received thus far, there's a lot more for us to accomplish.

I spent months planning this project out, including a long list of Stretch Goals and rewards you're going to love.

Hitting this next stretch goal will unlock:

  • Glossaries for each book complete with a Pronunciation Guide

  • A Signed Demon Hunter Bookmark

  • And something that will cause me to embarrass myself...

My wife, Alaina, said that I need to do something extra special for you folks when we hit the next stretch goal.

So, in addition to the awesome features and rewards that we are already including, I will be performing Karaoke to an 80's song. It will be bad, and it will be recorded for your entertainment... 😂

Want to have a say in which song I embarrass myself to?

I'm taking song recommendations from project backers! So, if you love supporting projects like this while getting great rewards OR if you just want to see me make a fool of myself, head on over to the Kickstarter project and find the backer level that suits you!

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