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New Release: The Chronicles of Aurion

The Chronicles of Aurion is finally here!

Yes that's right, the prequel to Dragon's Fire is finally published and ready to see the light of day. This project shall no longer be hidden in the dark recesses of my mind, and it's about time!

For those that are unfamiliar, The Chronicles of Aurion is the prequel to the epic fantasy novel, Dragon's Fire. TCoA as I affectionately call it, is a short novella that is ripe with action and intrigue. That makes it a great place to start for anyone interested in exploring my writing. And those that have already read Dragon's Fire, will definately want to go back and check it out, because this little book helps set the stage for things to come.

And the best news is... for a limited time, you can get The Chronicles of Aurion ebook for FREE!

And if that wasn't cool enough, I'm running a new release special on the Dragon's Fire ebook for just 99¢!

So go get some books and get reading, but please remember to leave a review when you're done. :)


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