A lot of people come to my site as readers, but I'm know that quite a few fellow authors and aspiring writers come by too. So, while I try to provide my own insights and tips on the craft of writing from time to time, it also makes sense to provide some options to those of you that might be looking for some professional help when it comes to writing services. That's where A Writer's Path comes in.
A few years ago, I got connected with Ryan Lanz. Ryan is the founder of A Writer's Path and the author of The Idea Factory: 1,000 Story Ideas and Writing Prompts to Find Your Next Bestseller. We've been collaborating on marketing efforts over the past couple of years. Recently, he approached me about becoming an affiliate for A Writer's Path. It was a perfect fit for this site, and an easy decision.
A Writer's Path is an excellent blog that serves as a great online resource dedicated to helping writers develop their craft. The site is full of insightful articles like Make your Character's Flawsome and 3 Writing Exercises to Flesh Out Your Character's Motivations and a fantastic Newsletter dedicated to helping writers become successful. In addition to all the free content that A Writer's Path provides, they also offer a host of premium paid services.
Being an author is all about being an entrepreneur, and as such we are always looking for all the free resources we can get. But, as many of you have probably come to realize, we aren't always good at all the many different hats we have to wear as an author. For me personally, I always get bogged down with editing and formatting. That's where it helps to have an ace up your sleeve. Ryan's team can be that ace for you.
AS AN ADDED BONUS, all new customers will receive a 10% discount on any of the premium services listed below when using promo code: TH8F73
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